To create a brand new design for an online editor. This editor will be useful for simple and similar projects from your day to day tasks. For example: you need to create 200 business cards for all team members and you don't want to waste a lot of time creating every design separately. Or you need to create magazine for different types of subscription with different contents and different advertising.
I decided to use material design for that project because google made understandable guidelines and updates that design system all the time. That’s why it’s gonna be easy to update design in the future and it will be an easy process. For example, the last update of uEdit UI and UX was about 15 years ago because it was very difficult to make tools run in one window.
• I created brand new design with guidelines which will be understandable for side designers and customers.
• The design become modular. it's easy turn on/off panels, tools and change their position.
• Interface is comfortable to use left to right and right to left direction for different countries like Israel and South Korea.
Design, UX & UI, art direction.